16 things every 16 year old girl needs to survive
Current mood: inspired
1. God. As you grow physically you should grow spiritually as well. The gift of sharing your faith and belief is hard but makes for a better you and a better understanding.
2. Family. They have gotten you this far, and you are still alive! Why shouldn't you trust them. Whether they are blood related or adopted, they are always there for advise, hugs, shoulders to cry on, and sleeves to wipe your nose on.
3. Friends. They are like the family you choose. Sometimes they know you better than you know yourself. And, they are the ones that are going to jump out of the plane after you when they realize you forgot your parachute.
4. Lip Gloss. Sometimes all you need to bring out that beautiful face of yours is to highlight that beautiful smile of yours.
5. Fun Earrings. What better way to bring attention to yourself than to have something that brings attention to your face rather than "other" parts of your body.
6. Fun Socks. Sometimes you have to look serious. Thats why you should always have something fun on, only if you are the only person who knows it is there, it can bring a lot of confidence and sometimes a smile at the weirdest of moments
7. Lotion. The secret to having good skin when you are older, is to take care of it when you are young. That's all there is to that one. It's just plain and simple.
8. Tissue. You do not need to rub your eyes and face raw crying over stupid boys. They are always handy to have in your purse especially when you really have to go to the bathroom, squat down and realize Oh no theres no toilet paper, thank goodness I have those tissue in my purse
9. Bubbles or Play-dough. Embrace your childhood, don't waste it. You are still at that age of having a little bit of freedom without too many responsibilities. Enjoy it, it will go away fast.
10. Music. Whether you are alone or with friends and family, music can motivate, inspire, and bring laughter and smiles. Embrace all types because they all have different traits helpful for different moods and situations.
11. Hats. We are not perfect all the time, and neither is our hair. Who needs to know that you are having a bad hair day? No one! Bring on the hat, rock it hard and no one will ever be the wiser.
12. Chocolate. I don't need to say anything else.
13. Wallet. A great place to keep your cash, drivers license, boys phone numbers, discount cards, etc. Just don't forget where you put it or leave it at home. Your wallet needs to become a part of you and go with you everywhere, because the first time you forget it will be the first time you get pulled over for something stupid.
14. Good books. Sometimes you just need to get away from your own life, and the best place to do that is in a comfortable chair/couch/bed wrapped up in a comfy blanket reading a book and escaping into someone else's life. They may have problems bigger than yours to tell you that you can get thru anything. Or they could be having the adventure of a lifetime to let you dream big! Never stop reading. Your vocabulary increases and let's face it smart can be way sexy!
15. Manicure kit. Sometimes you really did break a nail, and sometimes you don't want to talk to people and you just want to do your nails. Hey it's ok, your fingernails can be the smile of your hands and they should always look good just in case you get the chance to shake the hand of someone important.
16. Faith. Have faith in yourself. You are beautiful, you are smart, and baby people love you. Always know that, never forget it, because sometimes that is all you need to get you going.
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