Sunday, November 22, 2009


In general when people visit a hotel with children, their children are (for the most part) well behaved. This weekend we had a couple with two children that were very respectful, very nice, and for the most part quiet. When they started to get a little out of line their parents would say their name, give them a look that puts the fear of God in the kids, and said quiet down. And the kids did it. Why? Because the kids have been disciplined before hand and know the consequences of acting out of line in public. But, there was another couple. They had two children. The oldest was very quiet and almost shy and for the most part respectful. The other (the younger of the two), well, let's just call him the TERROR. For the remainder of this blog he will simply be called the TERROR. Because that's what the TERROR was a terror terrorizing the hotel.
I don't think I would be so aggrivated if the parents did something to the child to make him behave. The parents of the TERROR seemed to think that the lobby was a personal playpen for the TERROR. Just because your son, the TERROR, cannot be controlled does not mean that you can shut all the doors to the lobby and lock the front door. You are one of our guests at the hotel. Not the only guest. You should learn to discipline the TERROR at home and put the fear in him so that he knows if he misbehaves in public like that then there will be TERROR brought to his bottom at home later. The father of the TERROR kept locking the front sliding door. I would go back and unlock it. The father of the TERROR went and locked it again! I went and unlocked it again, looked straight at him and said "The lobby door has to be unlocked from 6am to 11pm. Read the sign right there, please." Oh ok, and the father of the TERROR took his son back to the room with his mother (who I rarely saw all weekend). Within a few minutes the father of the TERROR was back in the lobby sitting down. Ha. The mother of the TERROR comes down to the lobby with the TERROR (oh crap I thought I could get 5 minutes of quiet but apparently I haven't been good enough this week). She yells across the lobby to the father of the TERROR "take him, I have my hands full and can't help!" Ha. I'm beginning to wonder about the parents of the TERROR. Then the TERROR looks at mom, he cries, he looks at dad, he cries. Niether seem to want the TERROR. Maybe the TERROR needs love and discipline. If you love someone dearly you respect them and listen to what they say right? Maybe the TERROR doesn't feel wanted, maybe the TERROR isn't loved at home, maybe the TERROR is acting out so that he finally gets attention. Maybe the parents of the TERROR should seriously think about what they are unleashing on the world. Not even two years old and they have a terrorist on their hands.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

It's amazing what 12 hours will do to some people!

I had to work at the hotel last night, and I did not feel well AT ALL! But, the people were so sweet and funny last night. I couldn't have asked for better guests.

Fast forward to this morning.

The same people are being the grumpiest, rudest complainers ever! And if you had a problem last night at 9:00pm then why did you not call me at the front desk? If you had I could have fixed the problem immediately, you would have gotten your sleep, and you wouldn't be a grumpy cursing sailor this morning. But, no! You waited until you were checking out this morning to demand a refund for a problem you never told me about. You did not have to curse. I took you seriously. But, if you had let us know of the problem before hand, instead of now, 1. I would respect you more 2. I wouldn't think you were a scammer 3. I wouldn't have to hear the language you learned as a sailor.

Do I have a sign that says "Curse at Me" tattooed on my forehead that I can't see???

I am going to continue to smile at your face with the biggest cheesiest smile I can muster and hope that it makes you vomit with it's sweetness!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Delivery Don't for 9/26/09

Today I had one rather unfortunate event happen at work that I feel I must blog about. It is definetly a delivery don't but I also think it is a big general DON'T in general (not just concerning pizza delivery).

Delivery Don't: If you have dogs that like to chase cars, please restrain them when you order pizza. This is for the safety of your precious animal as well as for the safety of individuals in cars.
Last night, I had to deliver to one of our farthest delivery points and this man has a lot of dogs. Two were outside in the rain and running loose when I arrived, one a beautiful Great Pirannese and a beautiful brindle colored pit bull. They happily greeted me at my car door and were so excited. They never jumped on me, didn't play rough, anything like that. Actually, the pit bull scooted on the ground as I walked up to the door and then sat at my feet while I waited for the home owner to answer the door. On my way to leave was when the trouble started.
I got into my car and proceeded to drive off. The big white dog (I will not try to spell it again because I know I screwed up the spelling of that) ran alongside the car, and the pit kept trying to jump in front of the car. I called the homeowner and he came out and played with them for a minute and then went back inside, and the dogs proceeded to chase me (again). As they had a long driveway this took quite a bit to actually make it out of their driveway. When I finally made it to the road the pit jumped in front of my car one last time and then started running alongside the road at full blast.
Then the unfortunate happened. The pit was so busy looking back for me coming up the road that he never noticed that he had run into the main highway until it was too late. I had to call the homeowner to let him know his dog had been hit by another car. I also had to call 911 because the car that hit him went off the road! No one was injured except for the dog. Please don't let this happen to your dog.
So please, if you have dogs, please be respectful of others around you and fence or restrain them. It is for their safety as well as other peoples. That's all I have to say about that.

Total deliveries: 5
Total miles driven: 41
Total tips: 23.00
Total hours worked: 2.5
Approx hourly: $15.75

Sunday, September 20, 2009

You're only old if you act old

This weekend we have been blessed to have an Air Force reunion at our hotel. These guys were based in our region back in the late 1950's! They have been to Iceland and such. Oh the stories you can overhear just listening to these men!
At first I was a little apprehensive about these men because I kept hearing the phrase "you are too young to understand." I am not that old, but I'm not young either. I've experienced things in my life and I understand quite a few things. Please don't discount me because of my age!
But, this morning these gentlemen have been very thankful for everything done this week. I can't tell you how many times I have been hugged. And now I've been told that I have an "old soul" and they have enjoyed talking to me as well! That made me feel good!
These guys are so funny. You would think that eventually they would run out of things to talk about. But you know what? They have been up around 7 every morning and talk straight until around 10 or 10:30 every night. They are still carrying on spirited conversations! I guess you never have enough to say!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Delivery Do's and Don'ts for 9/18/09

Ok, so last night went smashingly! I don't have a don't to post! Last night I got to deliver pizza to some of the sweetest, most considerate individuals. These are the kind of people that I love deliver to!

Delivery Do #1: If there is something you like about your delivery driver, tell them! Even if it is something seemingly small and insignificant, it is still a compliment that might make our day! Last night I was told
1) I'm the prettiest delivery driver they have ever had. And they also said that they can tell I take pride in myself and smiling for them! This meant a lot to me that they could tell that I smile no matter what is going on!
2) They get excited when they see that I am delivering because I get there the fastest! Ok, I occasionally catch myself speeding, but most of the time I am pushing the speed limit, if it says 30 I'm going 30 (and that includes the curve where I really should slow down to 15mph)
3) The last couple was really cute, they gave me the weirdest compliment, but it was the one I liked the most! They love my driving, I am apparently the only driver who doesn't back up in their yard and over her flowers, because I am the only driver who is competent enough to drive down their driveway completely in reverse! Now mind you, this is not a short driveway, it is almost 1/2 mile long! But I have to say I love delivering to them because I love driving down their driveway backwards!

So for the night I had:
2 1/2 hours.
6 deliveries
32 miles
$33 in tips
for approximately $19.75 an hour!

Like I said it was a good night! I went home in a good mood!

Oh, and even better, the wicked wizard of the west is no longer manager! I will be getting the hours I need rather than the hours he has left over! I love that I don't have to prove myself to the new manager because he knows my work ethic, likes my work ethic, and truly believes in fair for seniority! (I'm the 2nd longest employee there) So lets give a big hip hip hooray for new management that actually knows how to manage!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Liars irritate the snot out of me

So tonight started fairly smoothly. Not a whole lot of people to check in, not a lot of laundry to do, etc. I was kinda excited since I wasn't feeling too hot.

Well all of that changed. First, this gentleman kept calling asking about room types, room rates, payment methods, etc. He kept calling back and calling back and calling back. All in all I spent almost an hour on the phone with him! I was so glad when 5 minutes went by and he hadn't called back!

Well then he came in. He wanted our most expensive room for one adult, and he was paying cash. All seemed to be in order when I checked him in and sent him on his way.

Well about 20 minutes went by and he called (again). And said that the tub had hairs in it and it was dirty. So I went up to investigate. Now anytime I do that I go and look at a room that is identical to the room I'm going to investigate so that I know exactly what I'm looking at that is wrong. First thing I discover is that there are two people in the room (even though I had asked him how many adults were going to be staying and he had said one). Then when I looked at the tub, there was standing water in the tub (meaning that they had turned the tub on already) and the lady was putting on clothes and there was a towel missing (she probably used it)! Where do you think the hair came from!?! YOU LIAR!

So I told them "let me go see what I can do about it". I hadn't even made it back to the desk and he was calling AGAIN, asking if they could smoke in the room. I told him "No sir, that's why there is a no smoking sign right underneath the room number". He was like "oh okay" and hung up.

Then he called back AGAIN! "Can you just switch us to a smoking room?" "Yes sir, I can do that" I made sure to charge him for the two adults that would be in the room. I made sure everything was ok, gave him a refund on the difference between the two rooms, and again checked to make sure everything was ok. And he said great.

I called up to his room once they had ample time to get there, and again checked to make sure that everything was ok. It was. Good. Maybe I can be done with him for the rest of the evening.

I wish I was that lucky.

He called AGAIN. Asking why can't we rent a movie. "well sir, you have to pay for the movies, and since you paid cash in the exact amount, then the movies will not activate since there is no money left to go towards those" oh ok. He hung up.

Now I should mention that I have been trying to go to the bathroom for the past 1/2 hour but everytime I almost get there the phone rings (him).

I start to head to the bathroom again, and guess what happens!? THE PHONE RINGS! Guess who it is? You'll never guess! IT WAS HIM!

"Well how much money do I need to give you so we can watch movies" "Well sir that depends on what type of movie you want to watch" "Pornos" I just said $45 deposit. and he said "Oh ok, well we will call you back in a minute" and before I thought I said "Please give me 5 minutes before you call back." Haha. So now it's 10 minutes later, my bladder has emptied, he hasn't called, and my dinner is heating up. Hopefully he will stay quiet until someone else comes to relieve my shift.

I want this night over quicker!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Slow but slightly fun night

Tonight has been rather slow at the hotel, but it has been interesting none the less.

The freckled face pizza delivery guy keeps getting deliveries here, and each time he comes in he rattles off some random factoid or quote that gets me giggling inside! It has been a slight break from the normal monotany!

I also had a guest that recognized me as soon as she walked in. She didn't recognize me for who I am, but she recognized my mother in me. She told me how wonderful my mom is (I knew that already) and how my mom had helped her through her mother's death. And then she said she was sorry to hear about my own grandmother's passing. I don't think this lady knows how much of a blessing she was because she seemed to understand exactly my feelings, and she barely said anything!

Yeah I'm feeling kinda light hearted today! I am feeling good!

Oh, and I've signed up 5 new people for the honors program! I feel accomplished!

Oh but I did do something kinda stupid today. I was doing laundry and I was so excited I was going to get most of it done before Kim got here, but no! Stupid me forgot to put the laundry from the washing machine to the dryer....whoops! So now I'm running behind and writing a blog while I wait for the dryer! Dangit! Oh well, Kim still loves me!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

It would be nice if you hung up before you called me names

I'm working at the hotel tonight. Up until about 30 minutes ago things were going fairly smooth and quiet. And then a customer came to check in. While I was checking him in, the telephone rang. So, I said just one moment and transfered the line over to the reservations desk. We pay to have that convenience, and at times like this when I am busy checking someone in it is a true blessing. I no sooner finish checking the guest in and the phone rings again. Same dude as before. He began to yell and curse at me for transferring him to reservations! I apologized to him. He continued to get louder and more irate. I apologized again. He rather loudly pointed out "I'm an F***ing gold member". I apologized again. At which point he said I will take my business elsewhere but not before I have you fired. I apologized again and this time was able to get in the words, would you like me to take your reservation now? NO and then you hear the phone fumble and right before the line clicked dead I heard the words that have me so upset and brought me to tears...C*** Whore.

What did I do to deserve this? What could I have done to avoid that? I thought I was doing the right thing by not having him wait approximately 5 minutes while I finished checking the other guest in! By the time I finished checking the other guest in, he could have had his reservation made! I feel belittled. I feel dehumanized. I feel crappy. I feel like I need a root beer float.

I can't wait for 11pm to get here so I can go home. Hopefully I will never have to run into this guy again. I am too good to be treated like that. Whatever you have going wrong in your life, pleae don't take it out on me.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Delivery Do's and Don'ts for 9/4/05

Ok, so tonight sucked on so many levels. I knew it was by the first delivery! Whenever I get to work and my first delivery is to Electrolux, I know my night is going to suck big donkey balls! We have a new policy for Electrolux (which I like). When they place their order we tell them that the driver will call when they are leaving the store, and once the driver gets their they will only wait for 5 minutes. If they aren't there to get their pizza then we cancel the order! It saves us from waiting for 30 minutes waiting for these a-holes who don't tip. The only plus side to getting to deliver to Electrolux was there was another delivery driver from another a competitor their, and he was really cute, and we flirted, and I got a phone number. I won't use it, but it was fun to flirt with someone new and freckly!

So anyways I actually waited for 10 minutes while talking to the other driver, they never showed up. So no money for me. Darnit. Well back to the store to wait for another delivery! Leads me to my first do of the evening!

Delivery Do #1: If you have dogs that have a tendency to bite people in the rear end, DO chain your dog up or put them in the house! I am tempted to think that having my arse grabbed by a sleazy guy was better that having my arse bitten by a stupid dog. So if you don't follow this DO and your dog does bite the delivery driver in the arse you better give one hell of a good tip!

Delivery Don't #1: If you order pizza and all you have is coins, please keep it to a small order. DON'T pay your delivery driver with $40 worth of coins. My britches fell down because of you!

Ok this isn't a delivery do or do not, this is just for drivers in general: If it is a clear day (no rain or slow or other things like that), if you don't feel comfortable driving at least 5 miles under the speed limit then don't drive! Three times tonight I got stuck behind people going 20 miles under the speed limit! What should have been a fairly quick delivery turned into torture! Drive quicker people.

Delivery Do #2: DO have your mailbox and/or house clearly labeled. Nothing sucks more than to go to your stupid door and hear you whine about how long it took when no one on your stupid road is smart enough to have numbers on their house or mailbox!

Delivery Do #3: If you order pizza and then all of a sudden you get a phone call and your looking at the caller ID going I don't know that phone number. DO ANSWER THE STUPID FREAKIN PHONE! It's probably your poor delivery driver trying to get a hold of you because you are too stupid to not have numbers on your mailbox or house!!!!

Delivery Don't #2: Do not under any circumstance offer oral favors in exchange for pizza! If you don't have the money don't freakin order!

I think that is all for tonight. Tonight sucked. I was glad it was over!

Deliveries taken: 7
Tips: $23
Miles driven: 50
Hours worked: 4
Average hourly wage: $10.55

I did get one bit of good news tonight though! Manager moving to another store means new manager here, and hopefully one that will work me the hours I want. I've been there for 4 years, I work hard, I do things right, I deserve more than the fair you are giving to the people who are slow, stupid, and scary! Yeah

Arghh....stupid computers!

I had to work at the hotel last night. It started out fairly slow, and fairly boring. I was waiting forever for the washing machine to finish so I could put those in the dryer and eventually get to fold laundry. Finally about 7pm the washing machine finished, and I knew it wouldn't take too long in the dryer. Then the crap hit the ceiling.

I was reading blog posts, hotel articles, etc. at the front desk, and then all of the sudden the computer said "Fatal error" please restart. So I restarted the computer. It took forever to reboot, and then when it did, I couldn't access to the Honors program. So I had 3 people who wanted to sign up for the honors program, but I couldn't get them to do it because I couldn't access it! Darn it! I want people to sign up because I think it is a great program, very rewarding! But NOOOOOO.

Then we had a group of people come in about 8:30 who were very loud! I had to go up to their room twice to ask them to quiet down a little so that other guests could sleep! Hello, it is called common courtesy! I am a front desk clerk, not a babysitter!

I was so ready for 11pm to get there! and when it finally did, it was all I could do to crawl into my car and drive home! I was so tired!

I had some great guests last night, but all in all it was just a tiring night. Hopefully Saturday night will go much better!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pizza delivery do's and dont's for 9/3/09

I got to close tonight (yipee) but had to work with Olive Oyl! At least she went home early tonight.

Do: If the person taking your order, says "wow, I have a coupon that can save you money, let me apply that. Woah, that saved you $12" please, please, puh-lease tip your delivery driver a couple of bucks! You just spend $66 instead of $78!

Don't: Answer the door in a towel! I don't care how good looking you think you are, I don't want to see that. Put on some clothes, answer the door, and let me be on my merry way.

Do: Be mindful that not every delivery driver drives a truck with 4 wheel drive, if you have an impossible driveway please let them know so that we can walk up your driveway instead of getting stuck in your driveway. And if for some reason someone gets stuck in your driveway because you were too stupid to tell them about the huge hole in your driveway that has tall grass disguising it so we don't see it, please help them get unstuck! (Oh and by the way and you are the moron who's driveway I got stuck in....I hope you know I used that pretty stained piece of wood that looked like it was for something special...yeah I used it to get out of the hole in your driveway. One piece of wood, several big rocks, half an hour, and my ingenuity got me out of that stupid hole.

Do: Turn the porno off before you answer the door. Enough said.

Don't: Blow your pot smoke in my face. I have been clean for a long time, and I don't appreciate it. Your a rude piece of crap!

Other than the above listed infractions I had a great night!

Overview of the night
6 hours worked
$51 in tips
52 miles driven
11 deliveries
Approx $15.05 made per hour!

Not too bad of a night, considering over half of the deliveries I took on one run!

I don't get to deliver again until Friday, so we will see what exciting things happen Friday night!

As for tomorrow, we will see if anything exciting happens in happy hotel land!

Delivering Pizza do's and don'ts for 9/2/09

So I had to work tonight, and first thing guy I work with pissed me off! I came in and tried to clock in so I could start working, and the computer wouldn't let me. We had to update some of my information. Idiot (I won't say his name for his own protection but working with him I don't refer to him by name but by the Idiot) clocked in, and then clocked out on the two deliveries that I was going to take! You jerkazoid. So I said point blank in front of everyone working, "Gee, I was going to take those two, but since you are so gung ho go ahead and take them, but later if I see a delivery I want to take I'm going to take it, and I don't care what you think" (<---yes I know that was a run-on sentence). He was like what what what you wanted to take those. It's not that I wanted to take them, it's that I was here first you Idiot! Ok, so that's how my night started off.

So after that incident passes, I get my first delivery. I'm excited about the delivery because the lady that is usually there is very nice, and I love driving that road with no posted speed limit and see how fast I can go before I start fading the line (drifting over the middle of the road unintentionally). So I go out there, and it's not the lady there (tear). It's a young man. He started trying to flirt with me! I just wanted to get back to my truck. When he finally paid me, and I said "have a great day sir", I turned to walk away and he grabbed my butt! so Don't #1, don't touch me! Yeah he tipped me, but I didn't need the 2nd tip of grabbing my arse.

The rest of the night went by really quickly, I had some very nice people to deliver to, I had some very nice people who tipped well, and some very nice people who didn't tip me a darn penny! But overall it was a good night! Oh Do #1, at least tip your driver a $1 at least, we are wearing out our cars, our gas, our time, we are saving your car, your gas, your time a freaking $1 or 2 isn't going to hurt your dang wallet!

I drove 40 miles all together, $21 in tips, 5 deliveries, 2.5 hours. so Approx 14.95 an hour! Not too bad for a Tuesday night.

Oh and then when work was over I got to go on a date with the surgeon (still I won't reveal names, its just my nickname for him). We were at my apartment and hanging out, making a mess, and cleaning it up. I really enjoy being with him, but I don't know if it's a real thing or a Just for Now thing.

So here we go

I see so many of my friends who have blogs, and I thought, "gee, I have so many wonderful thoughts and encounters I should do this!" So, here it is, my blog. You can read from my tales in delivering pizza, to adventures at the hotel, to things that happen in my life. I am random, and I suppose my posts will be too.