In general when people visit a hotel with children, their children are (for the most part) well behaved. This weekend we had a couple with two children that were very respectful, very nice, and for the most part quiet. When they started to get a little out of line their parents would say their name, give them a look that puts the fear of God in the kids, and said quiet down. And the kids did it. Why? Because the kids have been disciplined before hand and know the consequences of acting out of line in public. But, there was another couple. They had two children. The oldest was very quiet and almost shy and for the most part respectful. The other (the younger of the two), well, let's just call him the TERROR. For the remainder of this blog he will simply be called the TERROR. Because that's what the TERROR was a terror terrorizing the hotel.
I don't think I would be so aggrivated if the parents did something to the child to make him behave. The parents of the TERROR seemed to think that the lobby was a personal playpen for the TERROR. Just because your son, the TERROR, cannot be controlled does not mean that you can shut all the doors to the lobby and lock the front door. You are one of our guests at the hotel. Not the only guest. You should learn to discipline the TERROR at home and put the fear in him so that he knows if he misbehaves in public like that then there will be TERROR brought to his bottom at home later. The father of the TERROR kept locking the front sliding door. I would go back and unlock it. The father of the TERROR went and locked it again! I went and unlocked it again, looked straight at him and said "The lobby door has to be unlocked from 6am to 11pm. Read the sign right there, please." Oh ok, and the father of the TERROR took his son back to the room with his mother (who I rarely saw all weekend). Within a few minutes the father of the TERROR was back in the lobby sitting down. Ha. The mother of the TERROR comes down to the lobby with the TERROR (oh crap I thought I could get 5 minutes of quiet but apparently I haven't been good enough this week). She yells across the lobby to the father of the TERROR "take him, I have my hands full and can't help!" Ha. I'm beginning to wonder about the parents of the TERROR. Then the TERROR looks at mom, he cries, he looks at dad, he cries. Niether seem to want the TERROR. Maybe the TERROR needs love and discipline. If you love someone dearly you respect them and listen to what they say right? Maybe the TERROR doesn't feel wanted, maybe the TERROR isn't loved at home, maybe the TERROR is acting out so that he finally gets attention. Maybe the parents of the TERROR should seriously think about what they are unleashing on the world. Not even two years old and they have a terrorist on their hands.
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