Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pizza delivery do's and dont's for 9/3/09

I got to close tonight (yipee) but had to work with Olive Oyl! At least she went home early tonight.

Do: If the person taking your order, says "wow, I have a coupon that can save you money, let me apply that. Woah, that saved you $12" please, please, puh-lease tip your delivery driver a couple of bucks! You just spend $66 instead of $78!

Don't: Answer the door in a towel! I don't care how good looking you think you are, I don't want to see that. Put on some clothes, answer the door, and let me be on my merry way.

Do: Be mindful that not every delivery driver drives a truck with 4 wheel drive, if you have an impossible driveway please let them know so that we can walk up your driveway instead of getting stuck in your driveway. And if for some reason someone gets stuck in your driveway because you were too stupid to tell them about the huge hole in your driveway that has tall grass disguising it so we don't see it, please help them get unstuck! (Oh and by the way and you are the moron who's driveway I got stuck in....I hope you know I used that pretty stained piece of wood that looked like it was for something special...yeah I used it to get out of the hole in your driveway. One piece of wood, several big rocks, half an hour, and my ingenuity got me out of that stupid hole.

Do: Turn the porno off before you answer the door. Enough said.

Don't: Blow your pot smoke in my face. I have been clean for a long time, and I don't appreciate it. Your a rude piece of crap!

Other than the above listed infractions I had a great night!

Overview of the night
6 hours worked
$51 in tips
52 miles driven
11 deliveries
Approx $15.05 made per hour!

Not too bad of a night, considering over half of the deliveries I took on one run!

I don't get to deliver again until Friday, so we will see what exciting things happen Friday night!

As for tomorrow, we will see if anything exciting happens in happy hotel land!

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