Friday, September 4, 2009

Delivery Do's and Don'ts for 9/4/05

Ok, so tonight sucked on so many levels. I knew it was by the first delivery! Whenever I get to work and my first delivery is to Electrolux, I know my night is going to suck big donkey balls! We have a new policy for Electrolux (which I like). When they place their order we tell them that the driver will call when they are leaving the store, and once the driver gets their they will only wait for 5 minutes. If they aren't there to get their pizza then we cancel the order! It saves us from waiting for 30 minutes waiting for these a-holes who don't tip. The only plus side to getting to deliver to Electrolux was there was another delivery driver from another a competitor their, and he was really cute, and we flirted, and I got a phone number. I won't use it, but it was fun to flirt with someone new and freckly!

So anyways I actually waited for 10 minutes while talking to the other driver, they never showed up. So no money for me. Darnit. Well back to the store to wait for another delivery! Leads me to my first do of the evening!

Delivery Do #1: If you have dogs that have a tendency to bite people in the rear end, DO chain your dog up or put them in the house! I am tempted to think that having my arse grabbed by a sleazy guy was better that having my arse bitten by a stupid dog. So if you don't follow this DO and your dog does bite the delivery driver in the arse you better give one hell of a good tip!

Delivery Don't #1: If you order pizza and all you have is coins, please keep it to a small order. DON'T pay your delivery driver with $40 worth of coins. My britches fell down because of you!

Ok this isn't a delivery do or do not, this is just for drivers in general: If it is a clear day (no rain or slow or other things like that), if you don't feel comfortable driving at least 5 miles under the speed limit then don't drive! Three times tonight I got stuck behind people going 20 miles under the speed limit! What should have been a fairly quick delivery turned into torture! Drive quicker people.

Delivery Do #2: DO have your mailbox and/or house clearly labeled. Nothing sucks more than to go to your stupid door and hear you whine about how long it took when no one on your stupid road is smart enough to have numbers on their house or mailbox!

Delivery Do #3: If you order pizza and then all of a sudden you get a phone call and your looking at the caller ID going I don't know that phone number. DO ANSWER THE STUPID FREAKIN PHONE! It's probably your poor delivery driver trying to get a hold of you because you are too stupid to not have numbers on your mailbox or house!!!!

Delivery Don't #2: Do not under any circumstance offer oral favors in exchange for pizza! If you don't have the money don't freakin order!

I think that is all for tonight. Tonight sucked. I was glad it was over!

Deliveries taken: 7
Tips: $23
Miles driven: 50
Hours worked: 4
Average hourly wage: $10.55

I did get one bit of good news tonight though! Manager moving to another store means new manager here, and hopefully one that will work me the hours I want. I've been there for 4 years, I work hard, I do things right, I deserve more than the fair you are giving to the people who are slow, stupid, and scary! Yeah

1 comment:

  1. Egads, one of my biggest pet peeves delivering was driving to a house in a neighborhood where no one's house numbers were clear. Drove me crazy!
