A surprising number of secret agents had infiltrated the membership of Springfield Baptist Church. Some knew of each others presence. Some did not. I’ve Lost My Marbles was of the latter, he was blissfully unaware of the other agents true identities. When I’ve Lost My Marbles started singing with the choir, he had the habit of bringing peppermints to enjoy during the sermon. He would share peppermints with people around him. That is how he met Agent Peppermint, when she was still a civilian. The sparky agent known for high jinx and mischief joined M.E. several months ago. Unbeknownst to I’ve Lost My Marbles, the friendship had supplied her code name. For over ten years they sat next to each other in choir and for over ten years I’ve Lost My Marbles had shared his peppermints with her.
A surprising number of secret agents had infiltrated the membership of Springfield Baptist Church. Some knew of each others presence. Some did not. I’ve Lost My Marbles was of the latter, he was blissfully unaware of the other agents true identities. When I’ve Lost My Marbles started singing with the choir, he had the habit of bringing peppermints to enjoy during the sermon. He would share peppermints with people around him. That is how he met Agent Peppermint, when she was still a civilian. The sparky agent known for high jinx and mischief joined M.E. several months ago. Unbeknownst to I’ve Lost My Marbles, the friendship had supplied her code name. For over ten years they sat next to each other in choir and for over ten years I’ve Lost My Marbles had shared his peppermints with her.
Tonight the choir practice room was filled with the sounds of music. But in between, Agent Peppermint discreetly handed I’ve Lost My Marbles a small bag containing the designated marbles and a small note. The note simply read, “All will be revealed in the woods.” I’ve Lost My Marbles set the bag and note under his hat without even reading the note.
The practice continued, filling the quiet corridor outside. Peppermint leaned over and said, “Why Burr, I think you lost your marbles!”
“Oh no, I didn’t! They’re right here, see?” He said as he lifted his hat to reveal the marbles and unread note. The night continued, and Agent I’ve Lost My Marbles was still unaware of the mission that had just begun.
Agent I’ve Lost My Marbles had several civilian activities that he enjoyed like hunting on Thanksgiving morning and going to watch bull riding and rodeos with his daughters. But, the one he enjoyed the most was going to White Oak, otherwise known as Fish Camp.
Fish Camp is one of those places people discover after being hopelessly lost on country back roads.you. It was a beautiful wild life sanctuary by White Oak Creek, which emptied into a nearby lake. If you go there you are surrounded by a green pallet of vegetation and the symphony of chirping crickets, bird whistles, and babbling brooks. But the men who attended fish camp knew exactly where they were. This is a place they intentionally came to escape when their lives became entangled in the busy world of work, cell phones, deadlines, and conference calls.
But like many things in I’ve Lost My Marbles life, this too had been infiltrated by M.E.’s secret agents. They had come to escape their civilian jobs, but not the life of an agent. They still had their own missions to accomplish. I’ve Lost My Marbles knew something was going to happen. He could feel it in his bones. Besides, he had received that ominous letter stating “all will be revealed in the woods.” What he was expecting was nothing like what was waiting for him.
I’ve Lost My Marbles had tired of the excitement of the creek, and wanted to try his luck at fishing on the serenity and stillness of the lake. He was in luck because Robert Fowler was heading to the lake as well. Robert was the son of one of I’ve Lost My Marbles’ friends and had graduated with his daughter. What I’ve Lost My Marbles didn’t know was M.E. had recently recruited Robert. After extensive training and initiation, Robert Fowler had become Agent 99. Once again I’ve Lost My Marbles was unaware of how vast M.E.’s reach was.
Agent 99 offered I’ve Lost My Marbles a ride to the lake, and he accepted. During the ride, 99 produced a small set of marbles and handed them to I’ve Lost My Marbles. A look of bewilderment clouded I’ve Lost My Marbles’ face. And at that moment 99 handed him the enclosed letter:
Several facts have come to our attention:
1. You are a difficult person to find an appropriate father's day gift for.
2. When we finally find something "perfect" for you...you will find one little clue and hunt down any available information about the gift.
3. You are getting older.
4. There is a prominent family history of Alzheimer's
5. Combining facts 3 and 4...you may be losing your marbles in your old age.
Taking all of this into account, we are not giving you your father's day gifts; you will have to find them. We have hidden several things at camp to help you with your quest. You must find them before you leave otherwise the trail might go cold. With luck by father's day you will have recovered most of those marbles you've lost (especially the ones we like the most).
So Bubba you've got some hunting to do; a fellow singer holds your next clue at camp.
To retrieve your next clue you must say, “Secret Agent I’ve lost my marbles.”
Once you have retrieved your clue from the Special Agent you may ask them their Secret Agent name. Secret Agent Clover will be tracking your progress. In order to receive your Father’s Day bonus you must complete all missions.
With every sentence he read, Agent I’ve Lost My Marbles’ shoulders sunk lower and lower. 99 glanced over, “Everything ok, Burr? I think you lost your marbles.”
“I see this is payback coming my way,” I’ve Lost My Marbles said with fear in his voice.
“You better go along with this. You don’t know what the consequences could be,” Agent 99 said with a warning in his voice.
“Yes I deserved this.” And with that I’ve Lost My Marbles sat back in his seat and continued on in silence. Agent Marbles was now aware of the mission at hand. He was now aware that he was under the control of M.E. He knew that to not cooperate once they had you could lead to consequences of epic proportions. The Hunt for Burr’s Lost Marbles was officially underway.
Over the past few days I’ve Lost My Marbles had spent many a quiet moment pondering his mission. What was his ultimate goal? What were the consequences if he did not cooperate? Was he in imminent danger? Surely M.E. would protect him. They wouldn’t send him into a hand grenade battle with water balloons, would they?
The time was at hand, he had to meet up with the next agent. But, who could it be? After going through many possible scenarios, he decided he must be expected to meet up with someone else that was in choir with him: Danny Atchley. But could it be? Danny was a nice, unassuming guy who wouldn’t harm a fly. He wasn’t cut out to be a secret agent. Or was he?
Oh, yes, he was. Because he was a talented man he had come to M.E.’s attention very early on. Because he shared many common interests with I’ve Lost My Marbles, he was a perfect choice for the mission. Danny had become known as Agent Man of Many Voices, because of his many vocal talents.
I’ve Lost My Marbles was just waiting for the perfect opportunity to confront Man of Many Voices. It could be embarrassing if he was wrong and confronted a civilian with the code phrase. I’ve Lost My Marbles noticed Man of Many Voices was now standing alone at the edge of a tent absent mindedly fiddling with something in his hands. I’ve Lost My Marbles took a deep breath and sauntered over to where Man of Many Voices stood.
“Um, Danny, can we talk?” I’ve Lost My Marbles asked hesitantly. The could be one of the most ridiculous things he had ever done.
“Well, of course, Burr. What’s on your mind?”
At that moment I’ve Lost My Marbles noticed that the object Man of Many Voices had been toying with was a marble! “Secret Agent I’ve Lost My Marbles!” He spit out excitedly.
“Well, Burr, the first step to overcoming your problem is admitting you have one in the first place,” Man of Many Voices reached his hand into his pocket and extracted a small bag of marbles and the ivory colored envelope I’ve Lost My Marbles had been expecting. “Hold on just one moment.” Man of Many Voices reached down into his bag and extracted something else and carefully looked around before handing it to I’ve Lost My Marbles. “Be careful on the journey ahead.” With that, Man of Many Voices walked away without a second glance back towards I’ve Lost My Marbles.
“Oh no. I must be in danger,” though I’ve Lost My Marbles. Why else would M.E. supply him with a gun!?
All quests have a certain degree of danger. We would be remiss if we allowed you to begin your adventure without a degree of appropriate protection. So take hart and be diligent in finding your next clue.
To retrieve your next clue you must say, “Secret Agent I’ve lost my marbles.”
Once you have retrieved your clue from the Special Agent you may ask them their Secret Agent name. Secret Agent Clover will be tracking your progress. In order to receive your Father’s Day bonus you must complete all missions.
Agent I’ve Lost My Marbles knew how M.E. operated. Mission control would not arm him unless it was necessary. What danger lay ahead? What should he do next? How many of his friends were agents? M.E. had revealed much to him in the past few days. They were a greater force than he had reckoned, and this was a force not to be messed with. He needed to figure out his next clue.
To retrieve your next clue you must say, “Secret Agent I’ve lost my marbles.”
Once you have retrieved your clue from the Special Agent you may ask them their Secret Agent name. Secret Agent Clover will be tracking your progress. In order to receive your Father’s Day bonus you must complete all missions.
Agent I’ve Lost My Marbles knew how M.E. operated. Mission control would not arm him unless it was necessary. What danger lay ahead? What should he do next? How many of his friends were agents? M.E. had revealed much to him in the past few days. They were a greater force than he had reckoned, and this was a force not to be messed with. He needed to figure out his next clue.
“Take hart,” thought I’ve Lost My Marbles. M.E. was known to be nerds and grammar Nazis; it was not like them to misspell something. He looked at the clue again. Hart? What if it was a last name, like his wife’s best friend, Beverly Hart? Well he could try when he got home. He thought back to his clue from 99. Several things were hidden at camp. How could he be so thoughtless!? Paul Hart, Beverly’s husband! He was at fish camp too! Now he had to wait until he could talk to Paul alone. He hated saying the code phrase out loud. It would be a little embarrassing if someone overheard it.
After a few hours, I’ve Lost My Marbles finally saw Paul Hart walking alone. He jogged up next to him and quietly said, “Secret Agent I’ve Lost My Marbles.” Paul looked at him questioningly. I’ve Lost My Marbles panicked for a moment. He had gotten the clue wrong! But, then Paul pulled out a marble and motioned for I’ve Lost My Marbles to follow him.
Paul led I’ve Lost My Marbles to a nearby tent where he handed him a letter and a CD. I’ve Lost My Marbles took them graciously and then asked him, “What is your secret agent name.”
“Banjo,” he said as he began to turn around and walk away.
No one spoke much during this mission. I’ve Lost My Marbles was beginning to feel he was all on his own during this. The fellow agents were only pointing the way. They weren’t there to help him. What did all of this mean? Would there be an end in sight soon? M.E. had him questioning the alliance of everyone around him. Was anyone on his side? How much more until he could figure out the puzzle? How much longer until M.E. let him figure out the puzzle?
We would like to ensure that the hunt for your lost marbles is not lacking in any aspect of an appropriate adventure. And what would great spy flicks be without a great soundtrack?
To retrieve your next clue you must say, “Secret Agent I’ve lost my marbles.”
Once you have retrieved your clue from the Special Agent you may ask them their Secret Agent name. Secret Agent Clover will be tracking your progress. In order to receive your Father’s Day bonus you must complete all missions.
To retrieve your next clue you must say, “Secret Agent I’ve lost my marbles.”
Once you have retrieved your clue from the Special Agent you may ask them their Secret Agent name. Secret Agent Clover will be tracking your progress. In order to receive your Father’s Day bonus you must complete all missions.
15JUNE2010 2138HOURS
“Agent Clover could have blown it or I’ve Lost My Marbles could be toying with her. Will send full disclosure of Clover’s misdeeds through M.E. encrypted link. Note all may not be lost due to Agent Clover’s limited involvement.” An urgent protected message from Dr Dork had come to Wreck’s phone .
Agent Wreck’s fears had been confirmed. Clover’s role in the mission was to aide mission control in tracking I’ve Lost My Marbles progress, not assist him with the clues or reveal her knowledge of the mission. But she had done just that! Clover had failed M.E. This could be Mission Pocket Watch all over again. It is true that without her assistance I’ve Lost My Marbles may have not met deadline. But she had over stepped her boundaries.
Upon returning from Fish Camp, Agents I’ve Lost My Marbles and Clover had been in casual conversation when I’ve Lost My Marbles mentioned a particularly puzzling clue. Agent Clover offered a hint, “It’s Morse code!” No it was not Morse code. The code I’ve Lost My Marbles was talking about was a simple letter replacement cipher. Agents Wreck and Dr. Dork had chosen the puzzle because it was simple, yet I’ve Lost My Marbles was over complicating things as he always did.
Once I’ve Lost My Marbles had figured out his current clue, met up with Agent Them Are Some Big Ole Guns, and received his next clue, he would discover Clover knew more than she was saying. He might try to pry information out of her. I’ve Lost My Marbles’ interrogation techniques were good, but not great. On the other hand Clover’s resistance to his techniques was weak. She would crack in no time if he pressed hard enough.
Agent I’ve Lost My Marbles only had to meet with four more agents (including Wreck) before his mission was complete. They were in the home stretch. Agent Wreck knew the mission was nearing completion, but nearer the mission came to completion the more stress the agent felt. All coming rendezvous had time constraints and deadlines. Plus when it was completed she would have many mission debriefing documents to process.
Agent I’ve Lost My Marbles was proving to be as clever as always. Could he be thwarted? Was the mission blown? Would he continue to play ally or attempt terror? Something had to be done to keep I’ve Lost My Marbles in his place and on the right path.
Agent Ive Lost My Marbles had been worried at Fish Camp that M.E. had gotten their hands on his marbles that he had since childhood. Upon returning home he had furiously searched for his marbles. He sighed with relieve when he realized he had not lost his marbles. But, he still had his clue to figure out. The code reminded him of the onetime use codes he used to have to use. But, that didn’t mean that would help him now. He had to figure it out, and figure it out soon.
Finally approximately 2000HRS, He had figured out that he had to visit his neighbor, Chet. Could it be that M.E. had managed to completely surround him with agents? Were they watching him all the time? The clue said he had by 14JUNE2010 to get to his next clue or all would be lost forever. He surely didn’t want to miss this. It was getting late and he was very tired from his civilian job, he must do it now.
Finally approximately 2000HRS, He had figured out that he had to visit his neighbor, Chet. Could it be that M.E. had managed to completely surround him with agents? Were they watching him all the time? The clue said he had by 14JUNE2010 to get to his next clue or all would be lost forever. He surely didn’t want to miss this. It was getting late and he was very tired from his civilian job, he must do it now.
He walked down the hill beside his estate, and down to Chet Beck’s manor. Hesitantly he knocked on the back door, and luckily Chet answered quickly. “Secret Agent I’ve Lost My Marbles,” I’ve Lost My Marbles stated. He was starting to get used to saying it, and wasn’t as embarrassed anymore when he had to say it.
“Here you go.” Agent Them Are Some Big Ole Guns said and handed I’ve Lost My Marbles his package, clue, and marbles.
“Thank you. Well it’s late, and I’m tired. Have a great night.” I’ve Lost My Marbles said. Luckily both men were men of few words. They didn’t need to say much to express how they felt. With this quick exchange the agents went their own ways. Them Are Some Big Ole Guns closed the door and headed back into his house, and I’ve Lost My Marbles headed back up the hill to his estate.
Once inside he opened the note to discover:
*--/****/*/*-*/* -*--/---/**-/*-* --/**/***/***/**/---/-*/ -***/*/--*/*-/-*/ *-/
*-**/--/---/***/-/ -/*--/---/ *--/*/*/-*-/***/ *-/--*/---/ ***/---/ -*--/---/**-/ --/
**-/***/-/ *-*/*/-/**-/*-*/-*/ ***/---/ ---/-*/ -/****/*/ *----/-****/-/****/ -**/
---/-*/*----*/-/ -**/*-*/---/*--*/ -/****/*/ --/*-/*-*/-***/*-**/*/***/ -**/---/
-*/*----*/-/ *-**/*/-/ -/****/*/--/ --*/---/ -*-/*/*-*/ *--*/*-**/**-/-*/-*-/
*-**/--/---/***/-/ -/*--/---/ *--/*/*/-*-/***/ *-/--*/---/ ***/---/ -*--/---/**-/ --/
**-/***/-/ *-*/*/-/**-/*-*/-*/ ***/---/ ---/-*/ -/****/*/ *----/-****/-/****/ -**/
---/-*/*----*/-/ -**/*-*/---/*--*/ -/****/*/ --/*-/*-*/-***/*-**/*/***/ -**/---/
-*/*----*/-/ *-**/*/-/ -/****/*/--/ --*/---/ -*-/*/*-*/ *--*/*-**/**-/-*/-*-/
They were really digging back into his past. Could he remember Morse code from Boy Scouts? I’ve Lost My Marbles sat back and tried to see if he could remember it without looking. After a little bit, he realized he needed help. He went to the library in his estate and went to locate his old Boy Scout Manual. But to his dismay, several pages were missing! And the missing section included the Morse code. In the next book he found the assistance he needed.
Where your mission first began almost two weeks ago so you must return so on the 16th don’t drop the marbles don’t let them go ker plunk.
He felt better having figured out the clue. He could now open the package he had received. He reached in and felt it, and then slowly pulled it out. A picture frame. But no simple picture frame, it was his picture in it. And not just any picture of him. This picture was special. It was of him from when he served in the United States Navy on the U.S.S. Forestall. And the frame said it all.
Proud Veteran
I PROUDLY served my country
I did all that could do
to PROTECT our land, keep it FREE,
its causes GREAT and TRUE
And though I no longer serve
You will ALWAYS see in me
Someone PROUD to be a veteran,
And someone THANKFUL to be FREE.
Judith Bulock Morse
I PROUDLY served my country
I did all that could do
to PROTECT our land, keep it FREE,
its causes GREAT and TRUE
And though I no longer serve
You will ALWAYS see in me
Someone PROUD to be a veteran,
And someone THANKFUL to be FREE.
Judith Bulock Morse
16JUNE2010 1830HRS
Agent I’ve Lost My Marbles had now been on his mission for two weeks. Now he had to return to where he began. In his mind’s eye, the mission had started at Fish Camp, and there was no way he could fit another trip up there just yet. But then again, he had gotten a clue from his friend Pat Binkley. Going back to choir practice did fit the kerplunk clue better. He was hoping he was right and wouldn’t miss the deadline.
He tried to push the mission out of his mind and enjoy the rest of his day at choir practice. As he was walking by the prop room, Carol (a co-choir person) commented, “Why is this door unlocked?” She locked the door and they both continued on towards the choir room. I’ve Lost My Marbles still had to figure out the clue.
When he walked in the door everything made sense. The minister of music, Matt Plunk, was obviously playing with a marble. He was not hiding it. It could just be a coincidence, but no it couldn’t be. M.E. would make sure to control everything; that’s just how they were. So, I’ve lost my marbles walked up to him and said, “Secret Agent I’ve Lost My Marbles.”
“Very good, Agent Marbles, I hid the package in the campfire you made,” Agent Wavy Fingers whispered.
I’ve Lost My Marbles turned around and began thinking about what in the world could that mean. Everything was so cryptic, but simple when he really thought about it. A campfire, that he built, that would still be around, and that was still nearby. For one of the youth projects he had built a prop campfire, it was a spectacular construction, almost lifelike! And, it would still be in the prop closet. He walked triumphantly to the prop closet, determinedly grabbed the door handle, and stopped. The door was locked. Carol locked it. Maybe the campfire was why it was unlocked. He turned again, and went back to Matt. “What’s your secret agent name?”
“:Secret Agent Wavy Fingers.”
“Very well, Secret Agent Wavy Fingers could you please unlock the prop closet?”
“Sure.” Wavy Fingers went with I’ve Lost My Marbles to the prop closet and unlocked it for him, and then he turned and we back to the choir room because practice was going to begin soon.
I’ve Lost My Marbles quickly found the campfire and along with it a letter and another package. After having received such an amazing package before, he couldn’t wait to see what M.E. had supplied him with this time. Would it be something to protect him? Something to inspire him? Or, could it be something to humble him? The simple brown wrapping wouldn’t deter him. He unwrapped it, spliced open the tape, and opened the box inside. It was full of stationery. A small note on the box said that it was a present from his youngest daughter, Brinkley. Now he could write her more little letters to encourage her. But now he still had the clue from M.E. What was he expected to do now? There couldn’t possibly be a whole lot more steps before his mission was complete? He took the manila envelope and turned it over, slipped out the note and read:
I’ve Lost My Marbles quickly found the campfire and along with it a letter and another package. After having received such an amazing package before, he couldn’t wait to see what M.E. had supplied him with this time. Would it be something to protect him? Something to inspire him? Or, could it be something to humble him? The simple brown wrapping wouldn’t deter him. He unwrapped it, spliced open the tape, and opened the box inside. It was full of stationery. A small note on the box said that it was a present from his youngest daughter, Brinkley. Now he could write her more little letters to encourage her. But now he still had the clue from M.E. What was he expected to do now? There couldn’t possibly be a whole lot more steps before his mission was complete? He took the manila envelope and turned it over, slipped out the note and read:
Don’t let the sun set on the work week without a rendezvous with the friend responsible for your view of the sunrise on Thanksgiving. He will be expecting you on 18JUN2010. Please call on a secured line to 615-384-4493 to arrange for the drop off.
To retrieve your next clue you must say, “Secret Agent I’ve Lost My Marbles.”
Once you have retrieved your clue from Special Agent you may ask them their Secret Agent name. Secret Agent Clover will be tracking your progress. In order to receive your Father’s Day bonus you must complete all missions.
To retrieve your next clue you must say, “Secret Agent I’ve Lost My Marbles.”
Once you have retrieved your clue from Special Agent you may ask them their Secret Agent name. Secret Agent Clover will be tracking your progress. In order to receive your Father’s Day bonus you must complete all missions.
Agent I’ve Lost My Marbles had been reflecting on the last couple of weeks. What he had learned. M.E. really did have their hand in everyone’s cookie jar. As soon as he got off work, he picked up his phone and dialed. The phone rang and was answered on the 2nd ring, “Hey Gary, this is Burr. I’m on my way over to your place.”
“Ok, see you in a little bit than Burr.” Phone conversations were short and sweet in I’ve Lost My Marbles life.
I’ve Lost My Marbles drove out of town and turned down the road he traveled every Thanksgiving morning. On those morning he would wake up very early, travel over to Agent 8 Point’s house, and eat breakfast with 8 Point, 8 Point’s wife, Debbie, and several other hunters. Then they would all go into the woods and spend hours waiting for the kill shot. You couldn’t help but run into wildlife at his farm. Turkeys ran circles in the driveway and deer walked without caution around the yard. The Keyt farm was away from the city, the roaring of the semi’s passing by, the thumping of bad stereos driving down the street, none of that was heard. In fact all you heard was nothing. And it was perfect.
I’ve Lost My Marbles undid his seat belt and got out of the uniform van, and approached the house. He paused for a moment to prepare. No one was around, but still saying the code phrase was embarrassing. He wasn’t admitting to anything, he was just stating his agent name (but he did not know that). He rang the doorbell, and waited. In just under a minute, Agent 8 Point answered the door. I’ve Lost My Marbles took another deep breath and said, “Secret Agent I’ve Lost My Marbles.”
“It’s good to know that you have come to grip with that, Burr,” Agent 8 Point said as he smiled. A marble magically appeared in his hands, and he passed it to I’ve Lost My Marbles. “I didn’t trust the security here, so I put the package where the water flows. Just pull on the string to retrieve it.” The door was shut and I’ve Lost My Marbles was left outside, in the heat and quiet.
When they went hunting, there was a spigot across the way from the woods. Maybe that is what 8 Point was talking about. He strolled over to the area, and looked around. He didn’t really see anything out of the ordinary. No string that he could see. Where else could he be talking about? This had to be it though, so he took a closer look. With his failing eye sight maybe a closer look would be helpful. I’ve Lost My Marbles knelt down as he swept his hand over the grass area. Out of nowhere his hand brushed across a string. “This can’t be,” thought I’ve Lost My Marbles, and he began to tug gently on the string. It was a little on the heavy side, heavier than any fish he had reeled in lately. A neon orange and green package materialized out of the landscape.
When they went hunting, there was a spigot across the way from the woods. Maybe that is what 8 Point was talking about. He strolled over to the area, and looked around. He didn’t really see anything out of the ordinary. No string that he could see. Where else could he be talking about? This had to be it though, so he took a closer look. With his failing eye sight maybe a closer look would be helpful. I’ve Lost My Marbles knelt down as he swept his hand over the grass area. Out of nowhere his hand brushed across a string. “This can’t be,” thought I’ve Lost My Marbles, and he began to tug gently on the string. It was a little on the heavy side, heavier than any fish he had reeled in lately. A neon orange and green package materialized out of the landscape.
“What the?” M.E. was definitely not discreet with this package. This packaged had been sealed by weaving duct tape around the box. Where did it start? Where did it end? How in the world was he supposed to get in this? I’ve Lost My Marbles grabbed the package and letter, looked around for what he did not know, and headed towards his company van. He could figure this all out once he was at home.
He hurried towards the estate, and rushed into his laboratory. Taking an Exacto knife, he carefully spliced into the corner of the package. He did not want to damage the goods inside. After painstakingly slicing through the first layer of duct tape, he carefully began splitting the second layer. This package was expertly prepared, and he wanted to preserve it as best as possible. After what seemed like an eternity he was through. He carefully lifted the top to reveal a leather journal and very nice pen. The leather journal had been stamped with the family crest and leather braided on the edges. It was a masterpiece in itself. With many stories of things that had happened in his life, this would be a perfect place to write them down so he could pass them down to his daughters. M.E. had thought of everything.
He was beginning to see what M.E. had in mind. The missions weren’t that bad, they were actually quite enjoyable. Did he really want this to end?
The last shall be the first and the first shall be the last. So it is with the last step in the search for your marbles. Seek out your first born before 1500HRS on 20JUN2010 for the last of your search and the end of our mission.
Agent Wreck had been on pins and needles for hours. Today was the day Agent I’ve Lost My Marbles would be picking up his final package and then the rest would be in his hands. But he would have had to understand the clue. Communication with the other agents had been limited. So if he know to show up today, only he knew.
With only a few distractions to keep her mind off of everything that could have and could still go wrong the time crawled by. Every few minutes Wreck checked her secure link to see if there was any communication from any of the agents. Finally a message was received from Agent Clover.
“I’m out to lunch with I’ve Lost My Marbles. Would you like us to bring you anything when we stop by?”
“I’m out to lunch with I’ve Lost My Marbles. Would you like us to bring you anything when we stop by?”
The Hallelujah Chorus played in Wreck’s mind as she realized Clover had done her job well and assisted I’ve Lost My Marbles in an appropriate manner. And with that simple communication most of Wreck’s doubts seemed to disappear. The rest of those doubts would fade when she saw the “company” car pull up and I’ve Lost My Marbles sauntered in the door. Also as soon as he walked in she would have food, which was good because she had forgotten lunch.
Forty seven minutes later, Wreck glanced a sighting of the golden minivan that never stood out except to those who knew it. With the sound of the glass door sliding open came the consistent and measured step of boots hitting the tiled floor. Then came the familiar sight of the agent in his Sunday best, western style suit complete with bolo tie.
“Secret Agent I’ve lost my marbles,” he said as if he had said it one too many times. “What did I do to deserve this?”
“Well Secret Agent I’ve Lost My Marbles the fact is we had to.” Wreck said as she gave him the final package. “With any prior mission where we were working against you, you always seemed to foil our hard laid plans. We figured by including you there was less chance of that happening. And with such an important mission we couldn’t let you out do us.” Agent Wreck and I’ve Lost My Marbles sat down in chairs facing each other. “The rest of this mission is all up to you. You have now been given all the tools necessary to complete the mission. And, the mission is this: write down your stories and adventures. Write the details down before they fade or worse before you fade.” Wreck tried hard to bite back the tear that were fighting to form. “Your legacy and knowledge are too vast and great not to share at least within M.E. Please grant us this one wish, write it all down. We hope to never forget what Douglas Burr Mathews has done for the world, his country, and for his family. Write it down.”
With that Wreck got up and returned to her civilian job as a desk clerk. I’ve Lost My Marbles sat for a moment and then he too rose and he left. Will this mission ever be completed? Will he write it all down? Only Agent I’ve Lost My Marbles can answer that.
Author’s Note
I have attempted to write this as true to events as possible. Although some events had to be fudged as their details are still unknown to me since I wasn’t there. I have tailored language and situations to befit a spy story. But this is my recounting of my father’s adventure to retrieve his Father’s Day presents.
My sisters and I could have never pulled this off without a lot of help! We would like to thank all of the agents in no particular order: Pat Binkley, Robert Fowler, Danny Atchley, Paul Hart, Chet Beck, Matt Plunk, and Gary Keyt. Also thank you to Fox and James for helping me with technical know how and advise on the writing.
I have thoroughly enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoyed reading about how we tortured our dad in 2010.
In all seriousness, we wanted to honor our father. He is the unique, caring, knowledgeable, creative, and wonderful man around!

Douglas Burr Mathews was born on January 16, 1947. He proudly served our Country upon the USS Forrestal. He married Elaine Adell Brinkley on July 22, 1978. He has three children: Rebekah, Rachel, and Brinkley. He currently resides in Springfield, TN.
I have attempted to write this as true to events as possible. Although some events had to be fudged as their details are still unknown to me since I wasn’t there. I have tailored language and situations to befit a spy story. But this is my recounting of my father’s adventure to retrieve his Father’s Day presents.
My sisters and I could have never pulled this off without a lot of help! We would like to thank all of the agents in no particular order: Pat Binkley, Robert Fowler, Danny Atchley, Paul Hart, Chet Beck, Matt Plunk, and Gary Keyt. Also thank you to Fox and James for helping me with technical know how and advise on the writing.
I have thoroughly enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoyed reading about how we tortured our dad in 2010.
In all seriousness, we wanted to honor our father. He is the unique, caring, knowledgeable, creative, and wonderful man around!

Douglas Burr Mathews was born on January 16, 1947. He proudly served our Country upon the USS Forrestal. He married Elaine Adell Brinkley on July 22, 1978. He has three children: Rebekah, Rachel, and Brinkley. He currently resides in Springfield, TN.